The Sans-Papiers

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Select French-language news reports about the sans-papiers protest and the affaire Saint-Bernard discussed in the book:

A “retrospective” report from 2000:

To Censor or Not to Censor?

Chapter 1 concludes with a discussion of censorship of racist images such as those promoted in popular music (such as “Nénufar,” analyzed in the chapter) or comic books such as Tintin au Congo or Négro et Négrette à l’Exposition. Here are some links to current debates about these materials’ censorship.

On Tintin au Congo (French- and English-language news media):

Caviglioli, David. “‘Tintin doit rester une trace de l’esprit colonial des années 30.” BibliObs (NouvelObs). 10 September 2009.

Enright, David. “Tintin in the Congo should not be Sold to Children.” The Guardian, Opinion.4 November 2011.

“Racisme: Tintin acquitté en Belgique.” BibliObs (NouvelObs). 13 February 2012.

Vrielink, Jogchum. “Effort to ban Tintin comic book fails in Belgium.” The Guardian. 14 May 2012.

Comics&Cola blog on Tintin au Congo. 7 January 2013.

On Au Temps des colonies, a CD of colonial songs released by Milan Music in 2006 (*Note the album name change):

Ternisien, Xavier. “‘Le beau temps des colonies’ en disque.” Le Monde. 10 October 2006.

Response by Milan Music’s CEO, Emmanuel Chamboredon:

Les chansons les plus excessives ont été écartées, précise-t-il. Notre but est de restituer l’ambiance de l’époque. Quant à la couverture, elle est bien choisie car elle reflète à la fois la mythologie des années 1930 et l’héroïsme des troupes coloniales.